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Our programs Have 6 starts ratings, each star will prepare you for a level of excellence enabling you to participate in the international world of Drum Corps.

DCU Band Programs is designed to assist students with little or no marching experience. It’s also great for those who want to brush up on their skills. Work sessions emphasize the fundamental movements of glide style marching, reading drill charts, memorization strategies, outdoor musicianship ,thinking and moving in 3D.


1ST STAR: (Beginner Level / All Ages)

At this stage the band will learn Marching Fundamentals such as :

  • Individual In place
  • Marching Step Styles
  • Individual Movement

Posture Check: how to stand correctly, knees, core, shoulders exercises

Commands like: To the Ready, Attention, Parade Rest etc…

60 AED per hour / Semester = 11 weeks (4 hours a week)


2ND STAR: (Intermediate Level / All Ages)

Instrument and music focus (focused music lessons for each section)

At this stage each student will choose His/ Her instrument and will work closely with the teacher on the fundamentals of each instrument, how to carry it, how to play, how to read scores, tempo, harmony…etc.

An individual music lesson will be requested if needed according to the level of the individual in order to keep up with the group.

60 AED per hour / Semester = 11 weeks (4 hours a week)


3RD STAR: (Expert Level / All Ages)

Drill Design Implementation and Performance (Three Stars)

At this stage and after completing the previous stages individuals will be able to play any piece of music with well knowledge of the marching fundamentals , individuals then will be ready for drill design implementation, and performance (combining music with choreography to perform a complete live show with huge shaping on the field)

70 AED per hour / Semester = 11 weeks (4 hours a week)


4TH STAR: (C Class Band / Ages between 8-12)

This band will perform in small parades or at events

70 AED per hour / Semester = 11 weeks (4 hours a week)


5TH STAR: (B Class Band / Ages from 12 & above)

This band will perform in national celebrations

80 AED per hour

Semester = 11 weeks (2 hours a week)+ free celebration rehearsals


6TH STAR: (A Class Band / Top Classes)

This band will be ready to participate in International championships, and celebrations.

80 AED per hour

Semester = 11 weeks (2 hours a week)+ free celebration rehearsals

Ta se bol može dogoditi u slučaju vaginizma (nehotični konvulzivni rez mišića koji okružuje vaginu, kaže naš stručnjak. Vaginizam može biti posljedica ozbiljne boli ili stresa, koju ste doživjeli tijekom seksualnog kontakta u prošlosti. U ovom slučaju, vi Trebate pomoć psihologa .. ali bol može biti uzrokovana genitalnih organa, tako da je to za početak posjeta ginekologu.